
Photographer’s statement

I was twelve years old when I took my first photos: a half-dozen blurry shots of my baby sister picking dandelions. I’ve honed my skills in the decades since then and broadened my choice of subject matter to include scenes in nature, as well as urban & industrial settings. I’ve always felt inspired by the beauty I see in nature, but also enjoy finding unexpected beauty in the mundane, challenging myself and my audience to see familiar sights in a different way.

I spent several years working in technology, doing photography as a hobby until I retired at an early age and drifted into photography full time.

I take inspiration from the great photographers of yesteryear as well as several famous contemporaries, chiefly John Shaw  – a nature and landscape photographer with a flair for color and composition, Hengi Koentjoro – an Indonesian who works primarily in black and white with a minimalist aesthetic, and Jay Maisel - a New Yorker who took up photography after studying art and design.

Like my three exemplars, I strive to apply my own aesthetic to anything I photograph. Precisely which graphical elements I use in any given photograph depend on the particular shot.